Friday, September 21, 2012

Build Day 8

Build Day 8, September 21, 2012

The theme for the day was "finish the house".  There were no other goals for today.  So, that's what we did!  Again, lot of finish work today.

 Trenching (by hand) for the irrigation system for the front lawn.

Glen (our house lead) working on the kitchen cabinets.  A "professional" spent three days and this is all the farther he got.  Glen and I finished up the cabinets, including the counter tops, in a couple of hours.

Grass is going in!

A little piece of art for the front of Aloha's house.

Here is the kitchen complete and carpets laid.

He is a picture of the Blitz Home Builders for house #39.  Want to learn more about our group?  Go to  -- maybe even join us on a build in the future!

Some of our new friends -- Rick and Paula from New York.

So our build is coming to an end.  Tomorrow is the dedication.

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