Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Build Day 4

Build Day 4, Monday, September 17, 2012
The goal for Monday is to have the insulation and drywall installed.  It was going to be a very long day!

 We have two groups of people -- the first was working from the back to the front, installing the insulation in the walls.  The second was working from the front to the back installing insulation in the ceiling.  That's me (Curt), installing insulation in the ceiling.

There's only some much room inside of the house,  While we were installing the insulation, others were installing the windows and the exterior trim.

Here is Aloha and her grandchildren sitting on the wall behind their house.  The grandchildren were not allowed on the work site during the day.

At 2:30 PM we started hanging drywall. The ceiling is done first.  Here I am putting the first piece of drywall in place.

 Here is the interior of the house with the drywall just about complete. We finished drywalling the house in just over 3 1/2 hours!  That made for a long day.

However, here is the sunset at the end of the day!  It made for a great finish to the day!

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